DXN Ganotherapy
The Healing Power of Ganoderma Lucidum (Reishi) or Lingzhi
For over 2000 years, Reishi Mushrooms (Ganoderma Lucidum) have been considered by the Chinese to be a high quality herbal medicine. In the traditional Chinese medical theory, Reishi or Lingzhi is among the highest ranking. It can improve overall health, increase the body's healing ability, promote longevity and it does not bring along any side effects even taken a long period of time. According to Dr. ShiJean Lee, the most famous Chinese Medical Doctor of the Ming Dynasty, long term consumption of Reishi will build a strong, healthy body and assure a long life. Modern medical research also proves that Reishi has a wide range of medical effects.
Its main function is to promote blood circulation and increase the metabolic activities of cells (detoxification) and also help the proper functioning of all internal organs (balance the body functions).
Lingzhi can be taken daily, for long periods, with out any adverse side effects. Long term use of lingzhi can help normalise body function and empower the immune system to fight disease. It is not merely a medicinal mushroom that heals a particular disease, but is considered to be an adaptogen, that is it helps to regulate and mobilise all bodily functions.
As our body is made from trillions of cells (cells -> tissues -> organs -> human body) and it is the smallest unit of a human body, consuming Ganoderma works on Cells of our body but not on a specific disease and makes it healthy...
"GANODERMA is for Health, whereas DRUGS are specific to Diseases or Symptoms"
Basic Principles of Ganotherapy
Ganotherapy described here is based on few assumptions, one must understand these assumptions in order to maintain and retain health with Ganoderma. Starting Ganotherapy based on misconception will only lead to misunderstanding. It is best to know and understand how and when to use Ganoderma (RG/GL). Ganotherapy desribed here only applies to Ganoderma based products RG/GL and is irrelevant to other Ganoderma based products like Lingzhi Coffee (or healthy coffee), Ganozi toothpaste, Ganozhi soap, Ganozi shampoo etc. So, here are the basic assumptions of Ganotherapy:
Causes of Health Problems : Ganotherapy believes that there are two reasons for health problems or illness. They are
1) accumulation of toxins in our body and
2) unbalanced body function i.e. lack of coordination between functions taking place in the body.
1) accumulation of toxins in our body and
2) unbalanced body function i.e. lack of coordination between functions taking place in the body.
Is Ganoderma a cure : Second assumption of Ganotherapy is that Ganoderma isn't a cure or treatment for any illness, health condition or disease. Ganoderma only helps body to regulate unbalanced body functions, detoxifies body and helps body to improve its self defense system by improving its immunity against disease. All the health benefits that people see or are reported are achieved by these properties of Ganoderma.
Reflection by Body to Ganoderma : Ganotherapy believes that all the reactions (reflections) that we see in our body are caused by our body system. Our body system reacts to Ganotherapy on its own and Ganoderma itself isn't a reason or cause of reaction.
Dosage of Ganoderma : Another assumption of Ganotherapy is that dosage (quantity of RG/GL) is irrelevant to any disease or health condition, because Ganoderma isn't a cure or treatment but a health supplement which helps body to improve itself.
Steps to Ganotherapy
- Ganotherapy can be started by consuming one pair of Reishi Gano and Ganocelium i.e. 1RG+1GL. This RG/GL pair of Ganoderma must be taken in morning on empty stomach. If you have ulcer or some other stomach related problem then it can be taken after a light meal.
- This one pair of RG/GL must be continued for 1 week or 10 days until you feel comfortable with it. Then one can increase this to two pairs i.e. one pair of RG+GL in morning and another pair of RG+GL in evening.
- When ganoderma is taken (one pair or two pairs of RG/GL) body starts reacting to it, that is the process of regulating body functions and detoxification starts. This is a sign that Ganoderma is working.
- One can continue increasing RG+GL pair until some reflection or reaction from the body is noticed and once you see this reflection, stop increasing the pairs and continue consuming pairs which caused body to reflect.
- These reflections will settle down in days or weeks when body gets detoxified to some extent and improves its functioning, at this stage a person will also feel healthy.
- During Ganotherapy one should consume more water and products with vitamin C. This will help detoxifying the body and throwing the toxins out of the body.
• Ganoderma Lucidum
• Spirulina
• Morinzhi
GANODERMA LUCIDUM: It is also known as Lingzhi, Reishi, Chaga, Mushroom. It is the first A-one superior medicine describe in the Seng Nong’s Herbal Classic. It is also described as Chatrak Chikitsa in Charak Sahinta.
Ganoderma’s miraculous remedy for a variety diseases e.g. Anemia, Asthma, Alcoholic, Accidental/Internal Injuries, Arthirities, After Operation Problem, Cancer, Brain Tumour, Infertility, Diabetes, Depression, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Eczema, Gallstone, Gastric, Ulcers, HIV, Hepatitis, Heart Problems, Hong Kong Foot, Breast Cancer, Hair Falling, Blood Pressure, Insomnia, Kidney Failure, Obesity, Piles, Skin Problem, Women Problem, Tiredness, Mumps, Menstrual Irregularities, Sterility, Under-developed Children etc. was listed “Number one of the Superior Oriental Medicines” and was the most exalted medicine in ancient times. As recorded in the oldest Chinese Seng Nong’s Herbal Classic text Ganoderma is the “King of the Herb”.
• It is an Anti oxidant.
• It is an Adaptogen.
• It is Non Toxic.
Ganoderma have more then 200 medicinal elements. Few of them are;
1. Polysaccharides
2. Organic Germanium
3. Adenosine
4. Triterpinoides
5. Ganoderic Essence
Ganoderma’s effectiveness as health food and as a highly potent medicine have been demonstrated by over 30 years of modern scientific research in Japan, Taiwan, China, USA, Canada, and Poland, backed by 5000 years of accumueated experience. All observations show that ganoderma has no side-effects and can be consumed in high dosages and in parallel in high dosages with other medications.
Its main properties are cleansing of blood, enhancement of immune system and lessening of nervous tension. These properties are conductive to normalizing and balancing the body and as a result prompt cure, a multitude of diseases from with in. Hence, the new medical concept of “Adaptogen” stands good to the medicinal properties of Ganoderma.
The above fact has been emphasized by Dr. Lim Siow Jin, PhD in Holistic Medicine, founder and CEO of DXN Marketing Sdn. Bhd. a Malaysian ganoderma company.
He was interviewed by a TV channel and to the anchor’s question he narrated: “Ganoderma does not cure by itself any disease of the body, but it is the body which cures all disease when it was cleansed, regulated, rebuilt and rejuvenated and brought to a balanced condition after the oral administration of ganoderma”.
SPIRULINA: Spirulina is a blue green algae belongs to the plant food group, Spirulina is often described as a Superfood as it contains the most remarkable concentration of nutrient known in any food, plant, grain or herb. It is the highest protein food contains over 60% of digestible vegetable protein.
The dietary composition and active ingredients of DXN Spirulina as follows;
Proteins : Essential Amino Acids (60% - 65%)
Carbohydrates : Polysaccharides, Glycogen (15%)
Fats : Essential Fatty Acids, like GLA (5%-8%)
Vitamins : B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, Others (0.75%)
Minerals : Iron, Magnesium, Calcium
Trace Elements : Potassium, Selenium etc. in colloidal form(8%)
Natural Pigments: Phycocyanin, Chlorophyll, Xanthophyll, Beta Carotenes
• Spirulina strengthing the immune system.
• It is zero cholesterol food.
• Spirulina improving gastrointestinal and Digestive health.
• It act as a natural cleansing and detoxification.
• It is better antioxidant protection, reducing cancer risk.
Spirulina is one of the first photosynthetic life forms designed by nature 3.6 bilions years ago.
Spirulina was officially announced in the International Protein of Micro-Organism Conference.
The Food and Aggriculture Organisation (FAO) conference has declared Spirulina as “The best Food for Tomorrow”.
Spirulina was recognized by FDA of the United States as an excellent Nutritional Supplement.
Spirulina won “The Best Natural Food” award in the international food Expo in West Germany.
At present Spirulina is widely used in Japan, US, Europe, India and many more country of the world.
MORINZHI: Morinzhi is the pangent amber juice that remains at the top, abstracted from a tropical fruit called Morinda Citrifolia (Noni) is consumed daily for more than 2000 years by ancient Polynesian Cultures, as a prophylactic to enhance over all vitality and well being and a staple food choice for them.
Grown in natural tropical forests worldwide, Morinda Citrifolia, rich in more than two hundred natural enzymes, has been used to support the entire body treating a wide range of symptoms including Poor Digestion, High Blood Pressure, Respiratory problems and Immune Deficiencies.
Morinzhi works to correct problems with the structure of cells and saves our body by giving us the nutrients we need. It is invaluable as a “Healing Herb”.
Morinzhi made from Morinda Citrifiola has been shown to strengthen the following body structure;
1) Immune System
2) Skeletal System
3) Skin Diseases
4) Urinary System
5) Nervous System
6) Endocrine System.
Morinzhi is a natural antibiotic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-congestive and analgesic.
Morinzhi can be taken with other medication. As an Adaptogen, Morinzhi brings the body into more normal balance. It actually improves the efficiency of the medicine. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has listed Morinda Citrifolia as GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe).
CONCLUSION: Genoderma, Spirulina and Morinzhi are to be consumed as a Co-active therapy in addition to the medical treatment which ever be the line of medicine. All these herbs are quite safe to patients, even on long term consumption and even at higher dosage of consumption. Major organs like the liver, take a long time to recover due to their bio-complexity.
Now all of these natural herbs are available in one roof by DXN Marketing Sdn. Bhd. a multinational Malaysian based company, founded by Dr. Lim Siow Jin (PhD in Holistic Medicine) in 1993. The Products manufactured by this company are presently consumed in more than 170 countries including Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, UAE, USA, Hong Kong, India, New Zeeland, Thailand, Australia, Bangladesh, Taiwan, Canada, Nepal, China, Kenya, Mexico etc. etc.
The effectiveness of the products has been well attested by more than 500000 members comprising various ethical groups throughout the world.
In case due to any reason, you are not in a position to take advantage of DXN products, just pass on this message to your other friends/relatives etc. so that they can get rid of the ailments. They will always bless you for this act on your part.
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